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Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk
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CKT 040: Give him a move
CKT 040: Give him a move
LEVEL: Easy   

Mate in 3 chess problem by Galitsky. Prove to Black that he'd be better off without his pawns.
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views: 71332
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current rating: 3.7 / 5 with 82 votes   

CKT 039: B + N vs. K
CKT 039: B + N vs. K
LEVEL: Difficult   

It's necessary for you to know how to mate with Bishop and Knight versus King, since that endgame will likely show up in your tournament practice. Alexandra shows you how.
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views: 79042
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current rating: 3.9 / 5 with 85 votes   

CKT 038: Pure Pawn Masterpiece
CKT 038: Pure Pawn Masterpiece
LEVEL: Difficult   

Train your concentration skills by finding the forced 14-move line that wins for white. Chess Study by Grigoriev.
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views: 73327
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current rating: 4 / 5 with 131 votes   

CKT 037: How does a Queen beat a Rook?
CKT 037: How does a Queen beat a Rook?
LEVEL: Easy   

Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk explains the way to win endgames with Queen versus Rook.
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views: 75128
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current rating: 3.6 / 5 with 72 votes   

CKT 036: A Tough Nut to Crack
CKT 036: A Tough Nut to Crack
LEVEL: Very Difficult   

A tough to solve mate in three chess problem. If you solve it in less than an hour, you're on your way to becoming a Grandmaster!

Composed by Jiri Chocholous, 4th Prize, Cesky Spolek Sachovni, 1895.
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views: 80360
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current rating: 4 / 5 with 97 votes   

CKT 035: Solve this Miniature
CKT 035: Solve this Miniature
LEVEL: Intermediate   

You'll feel good after you solve this 1898 miniature chess study by Troitzky.
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views: 70511
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current rating: 3.8 / 5 with 34 votes   

CKT 034: The Prodigal Son
CKT 034: The Prodigal Son
LEVEL: Difficult   

A mate in 6 chess problem delightful in its purity. Composed in 1910 by Nissl.

Correction: Composed by Thomas Davidson (horizontal mirror) in Montreal Daily Witness, 1899.
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views: 93000
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current rating: 3.8 / 5 with 33 votes   

CKT 033: Transatlantic Flight
CKT 033: Transatlantic Flight
LEVEL: Easy   

White plays and mates in two moves. Chess Problem published in Musical World, 1860.
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views: 102358
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current rating: 3.4 / 5 with 42 votes   

CKT 032: She can't hide
CKT 032: She can't hide
LEVEL: Difficult   

1903 Study by Henri Rinck. White plays and wins. Beautiful and more complex examples of the Enfilade technique introduced in CKT 002.
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views: 38806
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current rating: 3.8 / 5 with 55 votes   

CKT 031:Concrete Tactics Please
CKT 031:Concrete Tactics Please
LEVEL: Intermediate   
CATEGORY: Middle Game

A position from the game Fressinet - Postny, Warsaw 2005, white plays and wins. Presented by Guest Star Laurent Fressinet.
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views: 39603
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current rating: 3.4 / 5 with 54 votes   

CKT 030: Morphy's Immortal Game
CKT 030: Morphy's Immortal Game
LEVEL: Easy   

The Immortal 1858 Game between Paul Morphy and Duke Carl and Count Isouard.
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views: 39175
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current rating: 4.2 / 5 with 60 votes   

TOP Views:
CKT 063: Kramnik in Top Form (348574)
CKT 061: The weak link. (155731)
CKT 062: Remember Saavedra? (154259)
CKT 056: Close the Door. (152561)
CKT 054: Two rooks vs one. (134974)

TOP Rated:
CKT 006: A Beautiful Chess Study by Kubbel. (4.7/5)
CKT 003: Two Brilliant Variations. (4.6/5)
CKT 019: Don't die Poisoned. (4.6/5)
CKT 011: Napoleon Bonaparte. (4.5/5)
CKT 009: Book of Salvio 1604. (4.5/5)

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