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CKT 040: Give him a move |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Problem |
Mate in 3 chess problem by Galitsky. Prove to Black that he'd be better off without his pawns.
views: 71332
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CKT 039: B + N vs. K |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Endgame |
It's necessary for you to know how to mate with Bishop and Knight versus King, since that endgame will likely show up in your tournament practice. Alexandra shows you how.
views: 79042
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CKT 038: Pure Pawn Masterpiece |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Study |
Train your concentration skills by finding the forced 14-move line that wins for white. Chess Study by Grigoriev.
views: 73327
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CKT 037: How does a Queen beat a Rook? |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Endgame |
Grandmaster Alexandra Kosteniuk explains the way to win endgames with Queen versus Rook.
views: 75128
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CKT 036: A Tough Nut to Crack |
LEVEL: Very Difficult  | CATEGORY: Problem |
A tough to solve mate in three chess problem. If you solve it in less than an hour, you're on your way to becoming a Grandmaster!
Composed by Jiri Chocholous, 4th Prize, Cesky Spolek Sachovni, 1895.
views: 80360
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CKT 035: Solve this Miniature |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Study |
You'll feel good after you solve this 1898 miniature chess study by Troitzky.
views: 70511
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CKT 034: The Prodigal Son |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Problem |
A mate in 6 chess problem delightful in its purity. Composed in 1910 by Nissl.
Correction: Composed by Thomas Davidson (horizontal mirror) in Montreal Daily Witness, 1899.
views: 93000
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CKT 033: Transatlantic Flight |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Problem |
White plays and mates in two moves. Chess Problem published in Musical World, 1860.
views: 102358
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CKT 032: She can't hide |
LEVEL: Difficult  | CATEGORY: Study |
1903 Study by Henri Rinck. White plays and wins. Beautiful and more complex examples of the Enfilade technique introduced in CKT 002.
views: 38806
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CKT 031:Concrete Tactics Please |
LEVEL: Intermediate  | CATEGORY: Middle Game |
A position from the game Fressinet - Postny, Warsaw 2005, white plays and wins. Presented by Guest Star Laurent Fressinet.
views: 39603
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CKT 030: Morphy's Immortal Game |
LEVEL: Easy  | CATEGORY: Game |
The Immortal 1858 Game between Paul Morphy and Duke Carl and Count Isouard.
views: 39175
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